Articles on: Getting Started

Free Website Migrations

Website Transfer Service for cPanel or Plesk

At, we understand that moving your website to a new host can seem like a daunting task. That’s why we offer a free website migration service for websites currently hosted on cPanel or Plesk. Our expert team will handle the entire transfer process to ensure a smooth and hassle-free transition to our hosting platform.

How Our Website Transfer Service Works

Request the Transfer:

Once you've signed up for a hosting plan with us, you can submit a website transfer request by contacting our support team. We'll need some basic information about your current hosting environment, including:

- Your current hosting provider
- Whether your current control panel is cPanel or Plesk
- Your website’s login credentials (temporarily and securely shared with us)

Transfer Process:

Our team will:

- Export your website data from the old host (files, databases, and email if applicable).
- Configure and set up your new hosting account on
- Import and test your website to ensure it’s running smoothly on our platform.

Domain & DNS Updates:

If you’re transferring your domain as well, we’ll guide you through updating your DNS records. This will ensure your domain is correctly pointing to our servers.

Testing and Finalization:

After the transfer is complete, we’ll thoroughly test your website to ensure everything is functioning as expected. You’ll also have the opportunity to check your site before we finalize the process.

Key Benefits of Our Website Transfer Service

- No Downtime: We carefully manage the transfer process to minimize or avoid any website downtime.
- Expert Support: Our experienced migration team will handle all the technical aspects of the transfer.
- Fast and Secure: We ensure your website and data are transferred quickly and securely to our hosting platform.

Requirements for a Smooth Transfer

- Your current hosting environment must use cPanel or Plesk as the control panel.
- You’ll need to provide full access credentials to your existing hosting account.
- Be prepared for email and DNS settings adjustments if your domain and email are hosted elsewhere.

Common Questions

Q: How long does the transfer take?
A: The transfer typically takes between 24 to 72 hours, depending on the size and complexity of your website.

Q: Will my website experience any downtime?
A: We do our best to ensure zero downtime during the transfer. However, a brief propagation period may occur when updating your DNS settings.

Q: Can you transfer email accounts?
A: Yes, we can transfer your email accounts if they’re managed via cPanel or Plesk.

Q: What if my website is not hosted on cPanel or Plesk?
A: If your current hosting provider doesn’t use cPanel or Plesk, don’t worry! We may still be able to assist with the migration. Our team will evaluate the hosting environment and may be able to transfer your website manually. Please contact our support team with details about your current hosting setup so we can provide a solution tailored to your needs.

If you have any further questions or would like to request a website transfer, feel free to reach out to our support team. We're here to make the process as smooth as possible!

Updated on: 13/09/2024

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